I trust that you will not take it amiss if I wish you and yours a very full and complete Thanksgiving. If drowsiness is caused by tryptophan, which it might not be, may your turkey be unusually full of it, and may your nap be most pleasant. These good wishes include both my enemies and …
What Pastors Need to be Able to See
“We must indeed learn how to fight for nature, not by means of nature. Natural affections by themselves do not empower us to engage on behalf of nature. But anyone who cannot identify the crackle of envy in antisemitism, or the smell of sulfur that wafts off of it, is not qualified for pastoral ministry” (American Milk and Honey, p. xv).
Introduction: So this post is the last post of NQN 2024, and as the calendar would have it, it is also the day just before Thanksgiving. In the spirit of both Thanksgiving and NQN, I intend to write ...
Yes, I Said Hot Pot
“Some might say, in defense of their idolatrous commitment to an absolutist view of tribal identity, that Scripture tells us to stick to the bounds of our appointed habitation (Acts 17:26)—as though this exercise of God’s sovereignty applied only to remote northern villages in Finland, or to White Town, Oklahoma. But God’s sovereignty in this applies equally to Brooklyn, that hot pot of jumbled ethnicities.”
American Milk and Honey, p. xv
Letters In the Shadow of Antioch
Letter to the Editor: Your dad was friends with Louis Zamperini?? Please tell the story or post to anywhere it's been written about. Fight On! CU CU, more details can ...
Think It Through
“By faith, Rahab betrayed her homeland (Jos. 2:25). By faith, Ruth abandoned her people (Ruth 1:16). By faith Jeremiah demoralized the patriots, undermining the war effort (Jer. 38:4). By faith Jehoida committed treason (2 Kings 11:14-15). By faith Jonathan disobeyed his faith the king (1 Sam. 19:2). By faith David ran away from the anointed authority (1 Sam. 19:12). They did all this because of their ultimate loyalties, not their proximate loyalties. Be adults in your thinking, and not children.”
American Milk and Honey, p. xiv
A Wide-Ranging and Long-Awaited Interview
We have no intention of revealing how this interview came to be in our possession. To do so would give too much away about our sources and methods. At the same time, we can fully vouch for the soundness ...
The Word That Grows
Acts of the Apostles (14): Sermon Video Introduction: We see in this passage the formation of the Christian diaconate. The noun for deacon is not used here, but the context makes it pretty ...
The Shape of Dual Loyalties
“Paul was willing to go to Hell for his kinsmen (Rom. 9:3), but was well aware that they were the ones who were so ardent about killing him (Acts 23:20).”
American Milk and Honey, p. xiv