It would be foolish to assume that the Israelis are incapable of perpetrating atrocities on Palestinian civilians. We know the sinfulness of man, and so let us assume it to be so for a moment. How can we take this as part of the evidence that the Israelis are, in terms of public demeanor, the righteous party …
How This Thing Works
Welcome to What sort of postings might one expect here? Lord willing, and the creeks don’t rise, this is how things will go. Each day of the week will have a regular and recurring posting. Sunday will have the parable that is presented as part of the call to worship at Christ Church. Monday …
Lonely Soulism
Some time ago in Credenda (15/3), I wrote something about blogs and blogging which excited some comment in the blogging world at the time. Now that I have my very own blog, I expect those words to be thrown back at me, much like what happened to H.L. Mencken when he got married after he …
Blogito ergo cogito ut sim.
Not Cantankerous
GRACE & PEACE “At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16:11). Controversy, Part 18 Paul teaches us that we should be at peace with all men, so long as it is possible with us (Rom. 12:18). In other words, we ought not to be cantankerous, belligerent, and always ready for a quarrel. …
Civil Court
GRACE & PEACE “At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16:11). Controversy, Part 17 In our litigious society, it is hard to keep conflict within the Church from spilling over into the civil realm. In some cases, it may be impossible. How are we to understand this? What are we to do? …