Christ the Doctor

Those who are citizens of Christ’s kingdom have certain, well-defined responsibilities — Christ teaches us how we are required to live before Him. These requirements are not idealistic — “something to shoot for,” and they are not “for somebody else” — the Jews of the Old Covenant, say. The teaching is a pattern of living …

The Potency of Sola Fide

One of the reasons why John Robbins and Sean Gerety are not to be trusted is because of their deliberate misrepresentations, as has been shown in previous posts. But there is another problem that runs throughout the book, which would be better classified as an inability to grasp the argument. For example, consider this: “In …

Heart Change

Eventually, the view that natures are unchanged (or non-existent) has to go one of two directions—either we must minimize how bad unbelievers are, or we must emphasize how bad believers still are. Either way gets us into trouble, and the only alternative is to stick with some notion of the traditional evangelical and reformed notion …

For the Unreasonable

One of the most obvious and exquisite ironies in all this is that the particular webpage where our alleged plagiarism is documented has a homepage. That homepage has a bunch of places to go in order to get your tolerant juices flowing, and the seventh link down, inspirationally-placed, is Martin Luther King’s “I Have a …