This Table is a table of communion, and since it is offered to sinners, it presupposes forgiveness. But this has implications. The Lord teaches us that we are to be reconciled to Him, and His forgiveness makes this possible. But He also teaches that, as far as it is possible with us, we are to …
Hearts Full of Thorns
A number of years ago, I used to wonder what we were doing wrong. I knew that the Lord had promised hostility and opposition to all who were faithful in doing the work of His kingdom. So how was it that we were spending years in these placid waters? I felt something like that hapless …
A Surrogate Religion
Dear visionaries, I wanted to commend Tony for writing a fair article for this last weekend’s newspaper on the growing rift in Moscow between liberals and conservatives. However, something which I mentioned to him during the interview (and which he did include) needs to be emphasized yet again. A generation or two ago, the jibe …
Half Time
Dear visionaries, The reason we are all getting tired of the discussion surrounding Timothy’s use of the epithet slut is not because the discussion is over. Not at all. We are simply approaching half time when we all have to switch directions. Not many of you knew this, but Timothy is actually a performance artist …
There’s a Single Standard Somewhere
Dear visionaries, Susannah quotes me: “You all are in a hopeless bind here.” And then she says that the bind is only hopeless if their goal is to establish a single standard for everyone that satisfies me. She goes on to add that this goal isn’t on most people’s agenda. And to this I say: …
Epistemic Relief
Morning, visionaries, The remarkable thing about relativism is that, for all the advertising hype, it really isn’t that elastic. It never stretches very far, and only stretches to the left. Jim tells Timothy to keep his “simple minded insults against women” to himself. Timothy’s attitude is apparently the “real obscenity.” Really? There is such a …
Creeds and the Voice of Authority
“A return to medieval thinking is a return to creedal thinking–and not just limited to those symbols recognized as formal creeds. A return to a creedal mind will come to see, gladly, the implicit creeds which shape our expressions of faith. But the modern evangelical church does not want this voice of authority. The modern …
Bush and the Lie
Liberals are fond of calling the president a liar, which is just one of the things that makes our vibrant democracy such a monkey house. The only standard they have for measuring the truth is (apparently) the level of decibels. Lying at the top of one’s lungs is their idea of speaking the truth to …
The Devil’s Dictionary
When we consider the question of how we can know the truth, know what is lovely, and know what is good, we frequently neglect to address the more fundamental issue, which is the nature of the knowers. We assume certain things about the problem of knowledge, and this drives the solutions we come up with. …
Foundations of Marriage IX
Introduction: This week we will be addressing masculinity, and how men are different from women. Next week, the topic will be femininity, and how women are different from men. The central concern here is not biology (male and female), but the broader question of masculinity and femininity. The Text: “But I would have you know, …