What Is A Christian?

One of the stories circulating out there is that the federal vision folks have changed the definitions of words, words like Christian or justification. This is said because it is simply assumed (not demonstrated) that any expansion of a word’s uses must necessarily include an abandonment of previous uses. I was brought up in an …

Where is the Pulpit?

One of the common mistakes in creating hypothetical scenarios to test where someone “comes down” in the federal vision controversy is the mistake of saying, “How do you preach to the baptized? Do you preach as though they are unconverted, needing constantly to question? Or that they are converted, in need of encouragement?” The question …

Whose Truth?

Dear visionaries, Jennifer asked: “And whose truth are you speaking of? Yours, Ted’s, Charles Manson’s, Martha Stuart’s, Joe Blow’s, Jane Doe’s? Are you the sole arbiter of what’s true?” I don’t object at all to this question — because it is the same question I have been posing since I began posting to this list. …

Gratitude and Childbirth

“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 19 In our last installment, we noted that the last one hundred years has brought to us some astonishing blessings in the realm of health. We live much longer on average-an average of about thirty years longer. In response, it …