Seeping Postmodernism

For many reasons, none of them intellectually compelling, postmodern thinking proper, along with postmodern assumptions unacknowledged, are making great headway in the “post-conservative” evangelical world. One lesson that we can take from the postmodernist playbook in this reqard is that is that fooling around with language is actually a disguised power grab. While denying their …

The Night Before Whatsit

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land, We still mark the birth of the One who is banned From public discussion or public display. “Get rid of the Christ child–but still keep the day!” So public school children must practice with stealth Those carols which threaten our strange commonwealth, And now and …

Creedal Language

We are not engaged in a fight to recover biblical language simpliciter, but rather in a fight to recover the right to use biblical language when necessary. The vocabulary of historic liturgies, systematics, the creeds, and so on are also most necessary, and we should have no interest in ditching them unless absolutely necessary. Our …