“‘Modern theology has witnessed a remarkable reexamination of the nature and attributes of God’ (p. 91). And whatever modernity does, even if it involves turning into postmodernity, we simply must imitate. And of course, modern theology does down the road pretty fast, giving our fat little evangelical thighs quite a workout keeping up! We need …
Primer on Eschatology 3
26. What are some of the features of postmillennialism? We have already talked about preterism: Many of the prophecies of the Bible which premillennialists consider unfulfilled, postmillennialists believe have already been fulfilled. This includes Old and New Testaments both. We determine what has been fulfilled by the teaching of the New Testament. Psalm 2 provides …
Efficacious Redemption
We must begin by rejecting a term that is commonly applied to this doctrine. The rejected term is that of limited atonement. It should be rejected for two reasons. One is that it is misleading with regard to the teaching of the Bible, and the other is that it misrepresents the debate. One of the …
Trent Lott’s Gaffe
Dear visionaries, The price of true diversity is eternal vigilance. After all our striving for inclusivity in this forum, I am astounded that we still have folks making judgmental comments on the ethical choices of others. If Cardinal Law, after deep reflection in his own conscience, decides that chickenhawk priests are the way to go, …
Faithful in a Little
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 35 Jesus teaches us that if we are faithful in little, we will be able to be faithful over much (Luke 19:17). Someone who was a slouch as a teen-ager with his paper route is likely to be a slouch …
Plato Underfoot
“The classical theists are (and this takes us into deep waters again) to be blamed for fighting Hellenistic philosophy and also for not fighting it. It is not surprising that theological and philosophical chaos followed, ushering in the Dark Ages, or as we might say today, the Ages of Color. The medievalists of course capitulated …
Petty Legalism
I am currently working through another of N.T. Wright’s books, Bringing the Church to the World, and which promises to be quite good. But on p. 34, I came across a passage that, in my view, overstates his case, and causes alarums to break out in various sectors of Christendom. He says this, speaking of …
Never Wrong or Sometimes Right?
There is a certain kind of dogmatic personality that is incapable of admitting error. Most all of us have an acquaintance or relative or two that fits the category. Everything is spun, everything is fashioned, everything turns out in such a way as to confirm what he was saying all along. In biblical terms, the …
More on the Shroud
The Shroud stuff continues to chug along on merrily. Response from all over has certainly been noteworthy. The web site now has a new FAQ feature, where folks can satisfy their curiosity about medieval glass manufacturing capacity and such like. Look at the bottom of the “About” column.
Divorce and Remarriage
It is not a coincidence that Christ teaches on divorce in the passage immediately following His instruction on lust. And although Christ taught in this section that we should be willing to remove any member which stumbles us, He teaches here that there is one member which is not to be removed. “”Furthermore it has …