The Ultimate Letter to Rome

Dear Joel, Once we get past our agreement that perseverance in the faith should be considered a good thing, the doctrine of perseverance creates a large number of questions. Some of the disagreements that arise out of this are extremely subtle, so it is important to define our terms very carefully at the outset. According …

Not A New Phenomenon

In the course of the French Revolution, when the monkeys escaped from the monkey house, and captured the zoo to run it for themselves, Voltaire once said this, “Is not the fanaticism of your irreligion more absurd and dangerous than the fanaticism of superstition? Begin by tolerating the faith of your fathers. You talk of …

Missing Something

All this activity by the Panzer Diversity Corps has really got me inspired. Everywhere I look there is something else to say. Something new. Something fresh. Metaphors form in a conga line in my brain, and appear to be having a good time. Rose Huskey, in a fine fit of “backatcha-ism,” responded to my observations …

How We Handle Words

How we handle words tells a great deal about us. The questions I have raised about secret city council deliberations with Bill London, ex officio something, I haven’t figured out what yet, have raised some hackles out there. For example, Rose Huskey, one of our volunteer litigant ladies, has posted an, um, enthusiastic response to …

You Might Need to Recuse Yourself If . . .

In a post yesterday, I noted that Linda Pall needs to recuse herself from any case appealed to city council that involves folks that she has been actively trying to help run out of town. From the Public Records material I have received, it is apparent to me that she has a clear moral obligation …