“But one edifying thought experiment (there are many such) consists of William Tyndale paying a tumultuous visit to Tyndale House, publishers of the inane Left Behind series. One pictures broken windows, crying secretaries, sirens, a major scene, an arrest, and a board meeting the next day with the suits and haircuts trying to decide if …
Mediated Glory
Jesus tells His disciples on the Emmaus road that everything in the Old Testament pointed toward the sufferings of Christ. But He said something else as well, which is also ministered to us in this meal. He said that Christ had to suffer these things, and “enter into his glory.” What does this glory entail? …
Bread, Not Crumbs
As you worship God, keep in mind that He is kind to us, and He teaches us. But also keep in mind that we have much to learn. The disintegrating condition of the contemporary church around us, and the fact that we see it, should not make us proud, but rather should make us fear. …
One Foot Nailed to the Floor
Chesteron once said (Chesterton always once said) that the purpose of an open mind was the same as the purpose of an open mouth — it is meant to close on something. A man who is not closed in certain respects is a man who was never open in the right kind of way. The …
Ezra Nehemiah 1
Introduction We have before the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, which were probably one book originally. Moreover, it is quite possible that Chronicles/Ezra/Nehemiah was original one book. As we work through this together, it would obviously be helpful for you not only to read through these books, but also through the book of Esther, as …
Neck Kissing
This morning I received a really fine set of questions about my posts on Brian McLaren and the emergent church from a graduate of NSA, one who really grasps what we are seeking to do here, and who wondered at the similarity between McLaren’s critique of modern evangelicalism and our own critique of it. The …
Entrepreneurs and Counsel
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 66 “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety” (Prov. 11:14). Entrepreneurs have a delicate task before them, and often entrepreneurs are not really suited to perform that delicate task. The strength …
True Certainty
Absolutism is a two-edged sword, and yet we would prefer to have it be a more comfortable one-edged sword. Epistemic certainty is an Enlightenment idol — men who want to know absolutely have fallen to the ancient temptation offered in Eden, which is, ye shall be as God. Only God knows absolutely. But the fact …
Why Prophets Die
“They had two basic problems here. First, they had no sense of proportion. They would pay Judas money to betray the Messiah, but then when Judas returned the money, they had profound scruples about which account they put it in! We just paid this guy to betray Israel’s hope and glory, and he brought the …
The Apostle Paul
The apostle Paul has been slanderously reported as being the second founder of the Christian faith. After two thousand years, he is no doubt accustomed to the slanders by now—he was the kind of man who attracted slanders—but this particular slander has been more effective than some of the others because of the grain of …