For those concerned, the RSS feed should be working again. A double-dash was throwing it off. As my web master put it, “RSS is rather picky to ‘illegal’ characters.” Also, because it appears that we will not have to deal with cyber attacks, we have removed the strict filtering of HTML formatting. So this means …
Getting An Advance
“When Jesus is teaching against anxiety and worry, He uses the striking image of those who run out of worries for the day, and so they have to get an advance. I don’t have enough troubles — and so I have borrow some from next week. ‘Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the …
Witticisms from the Congregation
This last Sunday, I started a series of messages through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. The previous Lord’s Day I concluded a long series of messages on marriage (39 sermons), which one young wag in the congregation told me should be entitled the “forty stripes save one” series. And this Sunday I had to spend …
An Edible Worldview
We are all familiar with the word worldview. It is a commonplace among us, and in danger of becoming a buzzword. The Reformed usually mean that a Christian worldview is something like having a biblically-based intellectual framework. This is part of it, but it is only a part. A worldview is characterized by four basic …
Cultus, Creed, and Conduct
In His Word, God gives us the pattern for worshipping Him, He teaches us the content of what we are to believe about Him, and He gives us a rule for our behavior. This may be summed up with three c’s — as cultus, creed, and conduct. But we must be careful, because the demons …
Open Mic Night
The comments feature of this blog is still relatively new. From the beginning, the intent was to drive it around the block a few times and see what falls off. On the whole I have been very pleased with a number of things. The tenor of comments has been generally good, and the anticipated flamers …
The Whore Becomes a Virgin Bride
The last person we are considering in this series of Bible stories is unique. The others we have treated primarily as individuals. We will do this with Mary Magdalene as well, but we will also spend a good amount of time considering her typological significance. So we will treat Mary, but we will also be …
Remembering Your Day
Our Father in heaven, we thank and praise You in the name of Jesus for all Your kindness to us. That kindness includes Sabbath kindness, and so we rejoice before You now. We thank You for the food, for the wine, for the fellowship, and for the opportunity to proclaim Your gospel in this joyful …
Have a Witness
“Jesus even makes fun of how men pray. Jesus, the One in whose name we pray, during His incarnate ministry, leveled the guns of satire at those who sought to ‘have a witness’ by praying openly in restaurants so that people could see how holy they were. Jesus told us not to pray so that …
Salem Witch Trials
One of our local intoleristas recently wrote the following: “Wilson believes that God has a relationship with the Church in which the state cannot interpose. The relationship between God and any one individual is secondary to the relationship between God and, essentially, the whole of Christendom. The Church therefore has a divinely ordained right to …