Authentic Ministry 27/Second Corinthians: Sermon Video Introduction: As we are coming near to the end of this epistle, we see here a good summary of Paul’s idea of what constitutes the apostolic ...
Ethnic Hypocrisy
“Blacks make up about thirteen percent of the general population, and yet are represented in our 35 percent of the abortions. That is disproportionate enough to lean genocidal, and to make it the actual legacy of the very white bones of Margaret Sanger. That means that 5,250 of these children, slaughtered legally since just last Wednesday, were black. Who speaks for them? I don’t count because I have a picture of Stonewall Jackson in my office.”
And There’s the Difficulty
Because False Principles Are Tenacious
“If you admit a false principle into the settlement of public disputes like this one—and I hate to be the one to bring you the sorrowful tidings—the false principle does not disappear when the dispute does.”
Book of the Month/March 2023
This book is something of a mixed bag, but I really profited from reading it, and so I can cheerfully recommend it to you. What I brought away from the book was that the sins were largely the sins of Hilaire Belloc and Cecil Chesterton, Gilbert’s younger brother. The author does prove that both of …
Content Cluster Muster [03-02-23]
An Honor to Make Drudge. I Think. Does That Matter Anymore?: Episode Dos: A Game for Some: You See a Lot on Road Trips: Three this time, and more here. A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Yes, Quite: Watch for Deer: And more here. Has It Come to This?: Be Sure to Check …
Nothing Doing
“You cannot receive what you are unwilling for God to give to someone else also.”
On Christian Nationalism
“If I am preaching the gospel to a wicked nation, calling them to repent, that is somehow setting up that sinful nation as an idol? Okay, suit yourself. Jonah’s problem was that he was making an idol out of Nineveh?”
11 Theses on the Glory of the Lord’s Day
Introduction: The Christian world is remarkably united when it comes to honoring the first day of the week as the day when the Lord is to be worshiped, but when it comes to our theology of it, we are ...
Stepping Out Into the Void
“Sin is confusion. Sin frustrates and lies. Sin is darkness. Sin is lawlessness, and sin steps out into the void. Sin seeks out the abyss, and feels the pull and the draw of that vacuum. Sin is destructive and malicious, and on the way to Hell itself just wants to see the rest of the world burn. Sin wants to scratch and maul. Sin is a devouring beast, but in the end it devours only itself.”