Content Cluster Muster [03-09-23]

Ezra Institute Runner Academy: Learn more: Open Road, Not an Easy Road: More here. Caldron Pool Interview: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Yes, Quite: As Divided as It Gets: He Actually Came and Got Us: It was a privilege to be interviewed for this article on the “He Gets Us” campaign. …

The Men of Old Charleston Will Rise Up and Condemn . . .

“If you were going to be conceived as the child of black parents in North America, would you prefer Charleston in 1850 or Chicago in 2015? I know which one involves a certified nurse counting up all your pieces so that they can make sure they throw all of you away. Be honest. Be brutally honest, and in the light of that honesty I would then invite you to rethink everything you thought you knew about racial reconciliation.”

Skin and Blood, pp. 36-37