Sermon Video Philippians (10): Introduction: Everyone here has an inner life and an external life. If there had been no fall, no rebellion, there would have been a true unity between the two. ...
With Our Sins
“It is easy for Christians with a tender conscience to believe that our critics are being sincere when they chide us for our sins. But they are not at all sincere. They hate us for our virtues, ...
Why Didn’t This Start With the Veterinarians?
“Our secularist overlords might act a little indignant at such a saying, muttering that we Christians are the ones who are anti-science. Yeah, right. You think little boys can become little girls, and you think we’re anti-science? Why don’t you turn a bull into a cow first, and then we can talk about your science.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 149
Faithfulness the Daughter of Faith
“All husbands are married, but not all husbands are faithful to their marriage vows. In the same way, all the baptized are covenantally bound to Christ, but not all such Christians are faithful to their baptismal vows. (And faithfulness to these vows consists of faith alone, incidentally, and not by works as some slanderously report me as saying.”
Fitness on the Instagram Index
Seriously. The Politics of Six Day Creation.
So then, people. This coming October I’ll be in Williamstown Kentucky, and I will be there for the Fight Laugh Feast Network’s fourth annual conference. The theme of this year’s conference is The Politics of Six Day Creation. I’ll be speaking two times—or dos times, as we bilingual people sometimes say— throughout the three day …
With Some Needing to be Committed
“The reason our culture is demented is that our gods are demented.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 149
Content Cluster Muster [07-20-23]
Old School Open Road, Plus One: Per the usual custom, more here. Right Past the West Side of Our New House: View this post on Instagram A post shared by ndwilsonmutters (@ndwilsonmutters) Nate took this from his living room. Looking forward to living where there are such visitors. Really Fun Interview: Time Management Challenges: A …
A Faint Hint, in Other Words
“Micro-aggressions are to real sin what LaCroix is to fruit juice.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 156
The Spots Are Not Beauty Marks
“Secularism is not the genius of the West but is rather the disease of the West.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 148