Strunk & White Supremacy

Introduction: As I have been noting for some years now, this cultural conflagration that we are all going through—while some in the back are still stoutly maintaining “this is fine”—is actually a battle over editorial control of the dictionary. And what with all the pronoun nonsense now showing up in the liver, lungs and brain, …

The Sin of Being “White.” Or “Black” for that Matter.

Introduction: Eric Mason has recently released a book entitled Woke Church, and he has done this at a time when a season of uncommon racial silliness has descended upon us all. And as a sage once observed, if there are twelve clowns in a circus ring cavorting about, you can jump down there and start …

The Unbearable Whiteness of Intersectionality

Introduction: As I am going to be writing quite a bit about whiteness here, you may well wonder why this piece is tagged under “Sex and Culture” in the first instance, and “Race and Culture” second. I trust that things will become more obvious as we proceed. The word whiteness, as I will be using …