Faith and Hope

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Book 3/Chapter 2

Is our future unknown (section 40)?

1. What other argument against assurance is brought?

2. Did Paul say what he did in Romans 8:38ff by special revelation in his own case?

3. What does Calvin say doubt about our future reveals instead of modesty?

The substance of faith (section 41)

1. What translation of hypostasis in Hebrews 11:1 does Calvin prefer?

2. What teaching of the Schoolmen does Calvin dismiss as mere madness?

3. What three things does Bernard teach about the glory of the pious?

4. Does Calvin approve of this?

Faith and hope (section 42)

1. What is the foundation of hope?

2. How does faith look forward to our future blessedness?

The foundation (section 43)

1. What common foundation do faith and hope share?

These are the questions for the readings for Wednesday, May 20, and those readings can be found here.

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