Mountains That Disappear into the Sky

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We have come to worship the one who touches the mountains and they smoke. He touches the mountains and sometimes they just disappear into the sky. We worship the one who nods, and the oceans gather into their storms. We worship the one who looks down on all the galaxies we might be able to imagine. He is the God of all heaven and earth, and the one who sustains all things by the word of His power.

But we do not worship Him from a distance. We once were far away from Him, separated by our sins, but God in His kindness has brought us near through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ suffered on the cross for sin, so that everyone who believes in Him might be received as having made a full payment for his sin. Christ is therefore our substitute, our representative. When we ask what right we might have to worship a God as grand as God is, the first thing that should come to mind is another question—”What right does Jesus have to worship this God?” Why, every right. God declared that He was well-pleased with Jesus, and after the resurrection even invited Jesus to take all the nations of men as His own. This is what Jesus has done—at His Father’s invitation—and this is why we are here.

We have a right to worship God the Father because we are doing it in Christ. Jesus said that He was the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one could come to the Father but through Him. This is what we are doing. This is what it means to worship God in Jesus’ name.

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