Jesus Is Lord. No, Really.

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We are gathered here as the people of God, summoned to be citizens of new polis, a new city, a new kingdom.

This kingdom is not intended to function as a sort of shadow government until the end of the world, constantly out of touch, constantly impotent. No, this kingdom was designed to grow and flourish from within the kingdoms of men until those kingdoms were utterly transformed.

This is nothing less that exhibiting the reality of the rule and reign of Jesus Christ. He is Lord. This is the fundamental Christian confession.

We are grateful to have been redeemed by Him, and to have been brought out of darkness into His marvelous light. Having been brought into that light, we must confess the reality of the sun that brings that light. We are in that light because Jesus is Lord.

This means that we are not permitted, as Christians, to admit anyone or anything into a position of seniority to Him. Jesus is Lord, which means that Caesar is not, entertainment is not, liberal democracy is not, Mammon is not, culture is not, education is not, the UN is not, and any other fever dreams that might come into the mind of rebellious man are not.

We know how to wait patiently—yeast in the loaf should not be rushed. But while we wait for the yeast to do its work, we must not forget what is happening. If we forget what is happening, the yeast is dying. If we forget what is happening, the salt loses its savor and is fit only for trampling. We are a light on a lampstand; we are a city on a hill. The ramifications of this will not be immediately obvious to everyone in the world—although they will be obvious in due time. But they should be obvious to us now by faith. The prophets and apostles, and the Lord Jesus Himself, foretold all of this. As we worship the Lord, remembering this in faith is our potency.

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