“Preachers have a single calling, to express who and what God is” (Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, p. 35).
Cheerful Clear Through
“God loves a cheerful preacher . . . The reason is that joy, like nothing else, shows whether we really believe the gospel. Joy is gospel authenticity” (Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, pp. 31-32)
Remain Lovers
“Our challenge as preachers is to remain lovers, to refuse to let our calling, however important and exciting, obscure our primary calling to be captured ourselves by God’s love in Jesus Christ . . . You can only preach what you love” (Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, p. 30)
The Ultimate Model
“And God is a preacher. He declares himself the loving Lord. He commanded creation into existence and upholds it all by his Word. His Word governs the planets, and he speaks to our consciences. In his book, the Bible, he shows us what he is like and how we should live. He preaches, in other …
Not Trivial
“Preaching, the declaring of God’s eternal Word to time-bound but eternal creatures, is serious work, and its triumphs and disasters echo into eternity” (Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, p. 17).
No Homiletic Hash-Slinging
Preach Wisely. “Because the preach was wise, he . . . Sought to find out acceptable words” (Ecc. 12:9-10). Not rude, loose, and indigested stuff, in a slovenly manner brought forth, lest the sluttery of the cook should turn the stomachs of the guests” (William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, p. 65).
Never Use the Biggest Spoon
“Preach simply . . . To preach truths and notions above the hearers’ capacity, is like a nurse that should go to feed a child with a spoon too big to go into its mouth” (William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, pp. 64-65).
A Cracked Bell Cannot Peal
“Keep a clear conscience; he cannot be a bold reprover, that is not a conscientious liver; such a one must speak softly, for fear of waking his own guilty conscience. Unholiness in the preacher’s life, either will stop his mouth from reproving, or the people’s ears from receiving” (William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, …
The Pulpit is Not Supposed to be a Safe Space
“How oft hath the coward been killed in a ditch, or under some hedge, when the valiant soldier that stood his ground and kept his place, got off with safety and houours?” (William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, p. 63).
Courage Is Counterintuitive
“Jeremiah seemed the only man likely to lose his life by his bold preaching; yet he had fairer quarter at last than the smooth preachers of his time. If thou are free and bold, thou mayest, indeed, be mocked by some, but thous wilt be reverenced by more: yea, even they that wag their heads …