“I want to focus on one preaching sin, which is this: the sin of withholding time and energy from sermon prep instead of committing ourselves to the hard work, heart and soul”
Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, p. 150
“I want to focus on one preaching sin, which is this: the sin of withholding time and energy from sermon prep instead of committing ourselves to the hard work, heart and soul”
Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, p. 150
“Don’t rely on your sermon prep for your heart food”
Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, p. 147
“The preacher who craves affirmation is an immature man who needs to go deeper into the gospel of unconditional acceptance”
Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, p. 139
“Never go to the pulpit for your kicks” (Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, p. 129).
“Preachers of Jesus must be like Jesus. No one will listen to a man to learn Christ if they cannot look at him and see Christ” (Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, p. 109).
“Most of us who preach lurch between pride and despair, often in the same day” (Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, p. 96).
“A few years later, I would learn that to become a preacher was to enter a company of men who seemed to attract trouble without looking for it” (Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, p. 84)
“Faith is a hungry business, and true faith must be continually fed” (Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, p. 67).
It’s no good being convinced that the Lord wants you in the pulpit if you’re not really sure about his involvement in the world beyond your allotted few square feet of activity each Sunday. Jesus rules from the pulpit, and he also reigns over doing the dishes, health scares, financial markets, and struggling marriages” (Allen, …
The Puritan John Flavel, tireless (and fearless) servant of Jesus Christ, insisted that the only preaching which would do him good must be ‘hissing hot’” (Allen, The Preacher’s Catechism, p. 44).