Book 4/Chapter 12 Levels of discipline (section 13) 1. According to Augustine, when is the “severe mercy” of sharp discipline necessary? Another form of discipline (section 14) 1. What other element of discipline, not properly contained within the power of the keys, is important? 2. What sort of occasion would call for this? Three objectives …
Discipline, Not Butchery
Book 4/Chapter 12 Practice of discipline (section 6) 1. What are the two kinds of sins that church must address? 2. What kind of sin does the church not address? 3. How does the church handle scandalous public sins? Princes and citizens alike (section 7) 1. Who is subject to discipline? 2. Do the elders …
The Point of Discipline
Book 4/Chapter 12 Church discipline (section 1) 1. What does discipline depend upon? 2. What are the two kinds of discipline? 3. What are the sinews that hold the body of Christ together? Private admonition (section 2) 1. What is the first stage of church discipline? 2. Where does it end? Hidden and open sins …
Maintaining Order
Book 4/Chapter 11 When the pope seized power (section 13) 1. When does Calvin hold that the pope attained power over princes? 2. Why did this happen? Instruments (section 14) 1. What three instruments do the popes use to attain these ends? Immunities (section 15) 1. In ancient times, in what sense were the clergy …
The Power of the Sword
Book 4/Chapter 11 Bishops or princes (section 9)? 1. What does Calvin call the assumption of the power of the sword by bishops? 2. Where did the Lord prohibit such power to the church? How it happened (section 10) 1. How did bishops gain this power? 2. But what would they do if they had …
Opulence and Proud Titles
Book 4/Chapter 11 Priest and king (section 4) 1. What is not fitting? 2. Where is a good emperor? The aim of discipline (section 5) 1. What is the aim of ecclesiastical discipline? 2. What two things must be taken into account? Ancient elders (section 6) 1. What limits did Cyprian put on his authority? …
Binding and Loosing
Book 4/Chapter 11 Power of the keys (section 1) 1. What is the next part of ecclesiastical power? 2. Where does Calvin say the New Testament gives the church the authority to rule? 3. What does this authority rest upon? Binding and loosing (section 2) 1. What distinction does Calvin make between the binding and …
Holy Laws
Book 4/Chapter 10 Bondage and freedom (section 30) 1. What are the two opposite errors when it comes to church constitutions? 2. What is the example that Calvin uses? 3. In what sense is this custom divine and in what sense human? 4. What is our best and most safe guide. Other examples (section 31) …
Extrabiblical Piety
Book 4/Chapter 19 Useless rites (section 19) 1. What are some of the accumulated customs that Calvin objected to? Free conscience (section 20) 1. Is Calvin open to certain exercises of extrabiblical piety? Acts 15 (section 21) 1. Did the Jerusalem Council establish a new law? 2. What were they requiring? Obligation to weaker brethren …
Adding and Subtracting
Book 4/Chapter 10 Corruption of ceremonies (section 15) 1. How does God accept the works of the law which we do? 2. Ceremonies are corrupt and harmless unless what? 3. What is a cunning craftsman? 4. What does Calvin mean by this? Multitudes of ceremonies (section 16) 1. How do ceremonies obscure the clarity of …