Severe Mercy

Book 4/Chapter 12 Levels of discipline (section 13) 1. According to Augustine, when is the “severe mercy” of sharp discipline necessary? Another form of discipline (section 14) 1. What other element of discipline, not properly contained within the power of the keys, is important? 2. What sort of occasion would call for this? Three objectives …

The Point of Discipline

Book 4/Chapter 12 Church discipline (section 1) 1. What does discipline depend upon? 2. What are the two kinds of discipline? 3. What are the sinews that hold the body of Christ together? Private admonition (section 2) 1. What is the first stage of church discipline? 2. Where does it end? Hidden and open sins …

Extrabiblical Piety

Book 4/Chapter 19 Useless rites (section 19) 1. What are some of the accumulated customs that Calvin objected to? Free conscience (section 20) 1. Is Calvin open to certain exercises of extrabiblical piety? Acts 15 (section 21) 1. Did the Jerusalem Council establish a new law? 2. What were they requiring? Obligation to weaker brethren …

Adding and Subtracting

Book 4/Chapter 10 Corruption of ceremonies (section 15) 1. How does God accept the works of the law which we do? 2. Ceremonies are corrupt and harmless unless what? 3. What is a cunning craftsman? 4. What does Calvin mean by this? Multitudes of ceremonies (section 16) 1. How do ceremonies obscure the clarity of …