Jesus the Elect One

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Book 3/Chapter 22

Election or foreknowledge (section 1)

1. What do some do because God chooses some and passes over others?

2. What do Calvin’s opponents needs to explain and answer?

3. Who is the principal beneficiary of election?

Prior distinction (section 2)

1. What distinction can be made among those who do not yet exist?

Election to holiness (section 3)

1. Why are we not elect because of our holiness?

Special election (section 4)

1. In what way are all the children of Abraham holy?

2. Why do some of the “holy seed” degenerate from legitimate children to bastards?

3. If Jacob were chosen on the basis of foreseen worth, what did Paul say to no purpose?

What is foreseen (section 5)

1. What good can God foresee in us?

These are the questions for the readings for Saturday, August 8, and those readings can be found here.

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