The False Choice Between Dehydrated Truth and Gumby Truth

As I have mentioned before, I am listening to N.T. Wright’s very fine lectures on Jesus and the victory of God. In these lectures, as in much of his writing, Wright rarely misses an opportunity to take a swing at “timeless truths.” He does this, not because he is a relativist, but because he is …

A Fluffy Will to Power

Apparently, the Illinois shooter sent a copy of The Antichrist to his girl friend before the shooting. Professors of this and that have been hastening to assure us all that this action represents a drastic misunderstanding of Nietzsche’s will to power, informing us that the will to power needs to be understood in a civilized, …

And It Figures

One of the most obvious characteristics of our relativistic, postmodern times is a schizophrenic approach to different kinds of authority. The radical individualism pioneered by modernity, and carried on by its sham-alternative, postmodernity, is an individualism that reacts violently to all forms of godly authority, and capitulates immediately in the face of brow-beated bluster. Relativism …