I am grateful for this “shameless appeals” category on this blog. It enables me to point to various ministries that are genuinely worthy of support from the broader Christian community, and today’s lesson has to do with New St. Andrews College. But those who don’t want to suffer through a shameless appeal can just press …
Five Reasons to Oppose the Levy
On the 26th of April, 2005, the Moscow School District will present a levy to the local taxpayers here in Moscow. The levy is for six bazillions of dollars, or might as well be. And there are as many reasons for opposing the levy as there are dollars involved, but the fundamental issues are not …
Classical Schools From Hell
I make a sharp distinction between homeschooling that is schooling at home, and homeschooling as ideology. The former is pursued by godly Christian parents who believe that this is what God has called them to, and who diligently labor to that end. Some of the finest students I have ever been privileged to teach at …
Two Cheers for Michael Horton
Also in this most recent copy of Modern Reformation is a section taking on the whole issue of classical Christian education, along with other assorted educational alternatives. The representation of our position is (generally) pretty fair, and their qualified respect for our labors in the field of education was genuinely appreciated. This was all the …
Party Spirit and Education Options
How is it possible to study the various Christian options for the education of your kids, come to settled conclusions, be prepared to articulate those conclusions for any who are interested, and yet avoid the besetting sin of factionalism and party spirit? After all, we have Christian parents who use homeschooling, others who use homeschool …
Christendom Lite
Many years ago I wrote a piece for the journal Antithesis on the necessity of Christian education. Later on, I picked that article up and modified it so that it became a chapter in Standing on the Promises. As part of the continuing debate on education in the Southern Baptist Convention, the editor of the …
God Bless the Baptists
A few years ago, Nathan Wilson wrote an article for Credenda entitled “Our Baptist Betters.” We coming up on what may prove to be a striking example of the same thing yet again. The Southern Baptist Convention (the communion in which I was baptized) is considering a resolution that calls upon all Southern Baptists to …
Education and a Theology of Children
Education, like everything else we undertake, has countless methods we can get tangled up in. Instead, we need to be using those same methods in faith. Covenant keeping cannot be done by our works, or any autonomous effort that we might supply. Covenant keeping is promise believing — nothing more, and nothing less. But …
Empty Wombs and Empty Schools
As it is now conducted in the United States, Christian education is being offered an opportunity that is simultaneously glorious and grim. It is glorious because God has blessed us with fruitful families, and He has given us a heart to return to covenantal faithfulness in how we bring up our children. More and more …
Making A Difference
Given that our culture is in significant disarray (as in, falling apart), many Christian parents have rightly identified the process of secular government education as one of the central culprits. Having made this identification, they have established Christian schools or have begun to home school. They have done this in such numbers that in many locations, …