Open Throttle Abortion Policies

I read about this choice one at BaylyBlog, and commend to you the observations made there. At the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama said this: “There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know.” This is chutzpah on stilts and steroids. The fact that President Obama …

Papers Please

Whenever I travel I am reminded of how clearly and inexorably we are losing our practical freedoms, under Democans and Republicrats both. Even though airplane travel is routine for millions of Americans (at any given moment, 60,000 citizens are in the air somewhere over our country), we, docile sheep all, put up with indignities that …

On Not Watching the Punch and Judy Show

As Obama is settling in to doing his thing, a couple of observations. The first is that Obama is a very different kind of slick than Bill Clinton was. Clinton’s was more a function of greasiness than anything else. Obama is disciplined, sharp, shrewd, and fully capable of coopting thin veneer conservatives. And all the …