20% of a Wave

Introduction: Allow me to write, if I may, a little bit about some of the doings in our little town. This is my artistic interpretation of this irony-ridden event. It may not be evident from this work, just a sketch really, but I once took some courses from the Juilliard School of Cartooning Arts and …

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Boris, Brexit and Great Balls of Fire

Introduction: To hear some people talk about it, the rambunctious state of politics in the English-speaking world is merely about the various presenting issues—as in, whatever the next vote is going to be about. And of course, in some sense we have to grant that the issue, whatever it is, is the issue. But the …

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Dealing with Nuisance Lust

This post originally ran September 6, 2010. Note: this is an imaginary Christian couple, assembled as a composite from various counseling situations. Dear Tony, Thanks for the email and the follow-up phone call. I am glad you decided to get help with this, and I am glad that you and Suzanne are talking about it. A …

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Unleashing Your Inner Fundamentalist

This post originally ran August 5, 2009. Suppose that John R. Rice, during his Sword of the Lord days, accidentally took a couple hits of acid, and prophesied wildly about what would happen down the road if women quit wearing their hair in a bun, and started wearing slacks like crazy. Suppose he got really …

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Trump and the Cultural Commies

Introduction: Your commies come in two basic categories. One kind of Marxism emphasized economics, class and revolution while the other emphasized culture, slow degradation and the promotion of rot. The former was urged and fomented by Lenin, while the latter was urged by men like Gramsci, who argued for a “long march through the institutions.” …

The Red Light District of Euclidville

I have some random thoughts on some problems related to pornography. Porn constitutes a huge problem, but I have had an increasing and nagging suspicion that it is not the kind of problem that we tend to think. But before I begin, I want to anticipate and head off several slanders. The first is that …

Flatter My Heart, Three-Person’d God . . .

For many years I have taught that authority in a Christian home is to be found in Christ — not in the husband, not in the wife, and not in the two them together. The masculine perspective is not normative, and the feminine perspective is not normative. Both the husband and the wife are to …

On Refusing to Live in Pinkletown

A little while ago, a few weeks back, we had a discussion here in this space about my insistence on using um, flamboyant and non-PC language when discussing the homosex phenom. We had a good time in that discussion, but we weren’t done yet. Let me appear to change the subject for a minute. In …