Canadians and Kurds

Minister: Lift up your hearts! Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! O praise the Lord, all you nations, You Gentiles and tribes to the end of the earth. Praise Him, all you people, Canadians and Kurds, Americans and Armenians, Brazilians and Englishmen, Chinese and Russians, Poles and Japanese, Praise Him all you people. …

Marriage As Manifest Glory XXXVII

Introduction What does it mean to be pro-marriage or pro-family, or pro-life? In common parlance, we know what such phrases refer to but even here we must be careful. The basic Christian duty is to be pro-God, and align everything else in accordance with this. When we absolutize things like “life,” “marriage,” or “family,” we …

Marriage As Manifest Glory XXXVI

INTRODUCTION: So we are now considering the question of respect, submission and authority. We have looked at love, sacrifice and authority with regard to husbands, and now we need to reflect on the other side of the coin. Remember that authority in the Christian framework is a Trinitarian thing. Authority gladly surrendered is the foundation …

God Among the Gods

Minister: Lift up your hearts! Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! You, O God, stand up in the great congregation, You stand among the mighty ones, And judge the gods themselves. You chide them— “How long will you rule unjustly? How long will you accept wasters into your councils? Think for a moment. …

Learning from Scandal

Some of the lessons that God appoints for His people to learn from time to time are the lessons that come with scandal. Whenever a situation arises within the Christian community that shocks, grieves, angers, or scandalizes the people generally, we have to remember that this also is from the hand of God. And because …