The Bible teaches us a great deal about our Lord’s mother, and about her great and astonishing faith. But unfortunately, Roman Catholic errors, idolatries and excesses have all created or contributed to a great over-reaction from Protestants, and hence a great loss for us. Often we do not even want to talk about Mary at …
The Star of Bethlehem
One of the most obvious symbols of the Christmas season is the star of Bethlehem. Countless Christmas cards have portrayed it, our carols sing about it, and we tell one another the story associated with it every year. In this, we frequently just skim over the surface of what we actually think we are saying. …
The Christmas Blessing of Simeon
The Lord has brought us safely through another year, and we are grateful for the time He gives us to meditate on the meaning of His Word, born into our midst for the salvation of lost and sinful men. This is the true meaning of Christmas, in contrast with the false antithesis so often propounded, …
The Mystery of Incarnate Godliness
Godly summaries of biblical teaching are inescapable, whatever we may call them. They may be creeds, catechisms, systematic theologies or sermons, but when it is done properly, the result is consistently honoring to God. But of course, we need to take care to learn what “done properly” means from the pages of Scripture itself. Thus, …
Immanuel, Born of a Virgin
We are in Advent, and we look forward to celebrating the birth of the Messiah. But we must do so as biblically based Christians-always building on the bedrock of the Word. Moreover the LORD spake again unto Ahaz, saying, Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or …
Rejoicing in Forgiveness
As His passion drew near, the Lord told His disciples that He desired to eat the Passover with them, but He said this in a way that emphasized that desire strongly. He said, “With desire I have desired . . .” As far as it goes, it is good that we have an accurate view …
Indispensable Men
As God allows us to stumble toward more mature forms of worship and government, we must take great care. An essential part of cultural maturity in community is that places of honor will develop. This is inescapable. Jesus did not command the Jews to tear out the chief seats in the synagogues and to level …
Merry Christmas As Insurrection
On a number of different occasions, we have considered the importance of having our times and seasons defined in relation to Jesus Christ. The only alternative to this is to have them defined in reference to someone or something else, and this is obviously an unacceptable alternative to all faithful Christians. Jesus Christ really has …
If You Are Breathing
Minister: Lift up your hearts! Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! All you people, praise the Lord! Praise God in His holy sanctuary, Praise Him in the high firmament, The firmament of His great authority. Praise Him for His mighty acts in history, Praise Him in accord with His excellent greatness. Do this …
Marley’s Ghost Notwithstanding
This is the third Lord’s Day of Advent, the year of our Lord, 2005. We are not here today, marking the approach of Christmas, because the early Christians compromised with paganism. It is not the case that our fathers tried to sanitize some pagan celebration of the winter solstice. As it turns out, the Romans …