Rejoicing in Forgiveness

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As His passion drew near, the Lord told His disciples that He desired to eat the Passover with them, but He said this in a way that emphasized that desire strongly. He said, “With desire I have desired . . .”

As far as it goes, it is good that we have an accurate view of ourselves and our own unworthiness. But at the same time, when God gives us this understanding by His grace, we must not cling to that understanding obstinately when He then tells us how much He rejoices in us, delights over us, wants to be with us, and how He has removed every impediment to fellowship.

We sometimes love our doctrine of depravity more than we love the one who delivered us from the reality of that depravity. We spend all our time muttering that we are not worthy to eat with Him. Of course not – that is the point.

We say that we cannot come, our hands are filthy. But Jesus says, come – I will wash them. We say that we cannot come, for our understanding is weak. But Jesus says, come – I will teach you. We say that we cannot come, for we are unsure of His love for us. But Jesus says, come – I bled for you. We say that we cannot come, for we have different doctrinal understandings of what happens in the Supper. But Jesus says, come – all that matters is that I meet with you in the Supper. We say that the food is not suitable for our weak stomachs. But Jesus still says come. He is the one who prepared it. Do you take issue with Him?

So, come. Eat and drink. You are the forgiven.

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