Logos Curriculum

The Logos School board meets monthly on housekeeping issues, but in addition to this we have an annual board meeting that focuses on long-term vision. The board members also have a day every spring where we visit the classrooms and observe the instruction that is actually occurring on the ground. Speaking as an (admittedly biased) …

Credenda is no Deadenda

February 2006 Dear Friends of Credenda, We really are grateful for the financial support that you offer to our magazine. We are now entering our eighteenth year of publication, which helps to explain quite a number of things. This accounts for the adolescent sense of humor, as well as the fact that we don’t appear …

On Behalf of NSA

I am grateful for this “shameless appeals” category on this blog. It enables me to point to various ministries that are genuinely worthy of support from the broader Christian community, and today’s lesson has to do with New St. Andrews College. But those who don’t want to suffer through a shameless appeal can just press …