Over the last few days, on the subject of racial reconciliation, a collision of sorts has occurred between Thabiti and me, and also between Thabiti and James White. The central issue is the same, but some of the details are not. I do commend James’ post to you all, and Thabiti’s response to it is …
Dear Thabiti
Update and clarification: I haven’t altered the letter below (except for cleaning up typos), but wanted to make sure everyone knew my comments about “monetizing” were not aimed at Thabiti. I don’t believe he is monetizing anything. Greetings in the Lord. You and I have had constructive interaction before, and so I know you are …
Don’t Waste Your White Privilege
Introduction: Allow me to begin by saying that someone really needs to start defending privilege. It needs to be lauded as a good thing, an admirable thing, a blessing from Heaven. If someone doesn’t start defending privilege pretty soon, we could eventually get to the point where a person might be pilloried simply because he …
The Answer to White Racism, White Fragility, Black Fragility, and Black Racism Is Always the Gospel
Some of you may not have seen this one. I have had a number of my blog posts on racism gathered into one e-book. You may click here, or on the cover below in order to get to the Mablog e-tail outlet. The cost is one clam for shipping and handling. You have no idea …
So Deal With It, Buttercup
There is a difference, and not a small one either, between answering an argument and responding to a tantrum. When you try to make the tantrum stop through appeasement, all you are actually doing is purchasing the next tantrum. “A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment: For if thou deliver him, yet thou must …
Simper Reformanda
So I need to say just a couple more things about the Southern Baptist resolution and the alt-right. In the interests of time, I will pay close attention to the interests of time. An intelligent and non-screechy rejoinder to my piece can be found here, and I commend it to you all. The argument is …
Alt-Righty Then
After some commotion and a bit of to-and-froing, the Southern Baptist Convention recently denounced alt-right white supremacy, and did so overwhelmingly. As far as that goes, considered within a narrow compass, no problems. When alt-right racists get poked with any kind of stick, it is difficult for me to summon up any kind of sorrow. …
Their Sinkhole Sinai
Introduction So then, it seems to me that Jonathan Merritt has gone and done it now. He has exposed, and about time, sez I, the fact that I am being mollycoddled by The Gospel Coalition. They do this mollycoddling, not sure how exactly, but they do it, despite the fact that I am—and I use …
On Not Having a Cockroach Head
Allow me to say a few things about the polarization of our society, and the radicalization of some individuals out on the extreme edges. There are always extremists at all extremes—for that is who lives out there—but let me begin by addressing one that (some) would want to say is an extreme version of what …
As Black as Your Grandfather’s Bible
If I might, I would like to deal with a number of issues at one fell, as they say, swoop. In the culture wars, the central battle is the battle over the dictionary. We are in a fight to the death over the authority to define. Shall it be God, or shall it be man? …