Don’t Waste Your White Privilege

Introduction: Allow me to begin by saying that someone really needs to start defending privilege. It needs to be lauded as a good thing, an admirable thing, a blessing from Heaven. If someone doesn’t start defending privilege pretty soon, we could eventually get to the point where a person might be pilloried simply because he …

The Answer to White Racism, White Fragility, Black Fragility, and Black Racism Is Always the Gospel

Some of you may not have seen this one. I have had a number of my blog posts on racism gathered into one e-book. You may click here, or on the cover below in order to get to the Mablog e-tail outlet. The cost is one clam for shipping and handling. You have no idea …

So Deal With It, Buttercup

There is a difference, and not a small one either, between answering an argument and responding to a tantrum. When you try to make the tantrum stop through appeasement, all you are actually doing is purchasing the next tantrum. “A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment: For if thou deliver him, yet thou must …

Alt-Righty Then

After some commotion and a bit of to-and-froing, the Southern Baptist Convention recently denounced alt-right white supremacy, and did so overwhelmingly. As far as that goes, considered within a narrow compass, no problems. When alt-right racists get poked with any kind of stick, it is difficult for me to summon up any kind of sorrow. …

As Black as Your Grandfather’s Bible

If I might, I would like to deal with a number of issues at one fell, as they say, swoop. In the culture wars, the central battle is the battle over the dictionary. We are in a fight to the death over the authority to define. Shall it be God, or shall it be man? …