Tuesday Letters, Once More

Social Justice and Justification: It follows, therefore, that the two predominant systems of social justification must fight a long and painful “religious” war. And, on the pointy end of every stick will be the biblically-distinct Christians. Brandon Brandon, it often works out that way. McDurmon should take his own advice . . . What happened …

Libertarian Letters

Apparently People Want to Discuss Libertarianism: It seems that in secular libertarianism that one’s rights and freedoms are decoupled from one’s responsibilities. For any particular freedom is had in order to fulfill a specific responsibility. And that such responsibilities are set by the purpose of a person. So we should be at the point that …

Letters on the Lock and Key Business. And More.

Inappropriate Appropriation: In your article titled “Appropriate This” you ask the question: “What do you call it when you have an acute case of vicarious embarrassment for someone who ought to be embarrassed about what they are doing, but somehow inexplicably is not?” I could not help but smile and recall a number of years …

Tuesday and the Letters It Brings

All the Aimee Posts: Your unfolding review of Aimee Byrd’s latest is an excellent little nugget of discernment. What especially comes across to me is the awareness of subtle fallacies which, when one has truly thought through the biblical principles involved, are not so subtle after all. Thank you. I am far from pessimistic about …

Not Every Letter Agrees . . .

Balsa Wood: As one who works at the organization that built Solar Probe (and knows many of the good people who built it; yes it is audacious!), I very much liked your reference. And I do expect there will be some people who speak up about what happened in St Louis. We might not be …

So You Know What Tuesday Means

Notes for Aimee: RE Rats Nest of a Situation (Review/Chapter 3/Why Can’t We Be Friends?) Pastor Wilson writes: “‘Do we express our love for one another by not being friends?’ (Loc. 803). Again, note the we. And I would suggest that the answer to this question is yes. Avoidance of friendship can be a true …

If Letters Were Bullets . . .

Refried Revoice: No post in particular: In your most recent Plodcast you talked about Revoice and mentioned the idea of Eros (facing each other) and Friendship (side by side). I was reminded of That Hideous Strength: “Those who are enjoying something, or suffering something together, are companions. Those who enjoy or suffer one another, are …

And So the Letters Keep Coming . . .

Gaslighting is a Thing: I’d encourage you to avoid liberal categories like gaslighting. It definitely might happen, but which is more likely in our culture — a woman genuinely being manipulated, or one who just has a problem submitting? Dan Dan, well, actually, I have seen plenty of both. Gaslighting is a thing, and if …

Letters from All Over Tarnation

Just Breaking: The president has now nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Feel free to use the comments here to comment on that. Open thread. But don’t forget the other issues . . . Continued Revoice Troubles: There was no link for the “rent an evangelical” reference at the end. I see this is …

Always More Letters

Roe Stuff: I’m not so sure overturning Roe would have that effect. To be sure the pro-abortionists will curse and howl, and march and boycott, but it would not have to make interactions between states more difficult. From a practical standpoint overturning Obergefell I think would be the decision that would render national union a …