No Vembers in November

No Nuance November There was another post about the upcoming “No Holds November.” Just wanted to drop a quick note saying I’m looking forward to it. The upcoming month reminds of another thing you said, trying to explain why you thought people liked to read your blog: “I will state it simply first, and then …

Our Editorial Team Prepares a Response

Enviro-Stewardship: Wow! A “toad-eating sell-out” if you claim our first vocation as gardeners implies stewardship of God’s gift of creation. Some guys get stupid around pretty girls, Pastor Wilson loses his mind when he gets around any discussion of environmental care. The careful, linear logic that I read daily at Blog & Mablog disintegrates into …

Trying to Finish the Letters Feature

A Different Pence Rule: “If your imagination is not up to it, I have supplied a useful graphic.” Has anyone ever seen Mike Pence and Race Bannon in the same room at the same time? No? I didn’t think so. There! Image fixed! ; – ) Jason Jason, except that I don’t know who Race …

Our Sentiments Exactly

The Kavanaugh Fiasco: Excellent Last Battle reference. I often wonder if we’re seeing our culture turn like Ginger the cat did. Pretending to be dumber than he was, and therefore made dumber than he was. Either way, I’m sure that’s Jules I hear clearing his throat, about to address the good people at the NICE. …

The Tuesday Torrent

Aimee’s Book: Discuss Among Yourselves: Concerning your ongoing review of Aimee Byrd’s book, I find myself wondering whether she’s going to address the question of what the spouses, fathers, brothers, etc., will think of all this dining out alone with other peoples’ wives, or your secretary, etc. Do they just get told to stop judging …

The Old Tuesday Letters Ploy . . .

Open Road: Doug, you must post this one: Mark Mark, thanks. Okay, everybody, go take a look. It is a beautiful picture. Foundations of Social Justice: I think you more or less addressed this, but the King/Trump comparison reminded me how much it does not matter to Trump-publicans that their boy is an adulterer when …

Tuesday Letters, Once More

Social Justice and Justification: It follows, therefore, that the two predominant systems of social justification must fight a long and painful “religious” war. And, on the pointy end of every stick will be the biblically-distinct Christians. Brandon Brandon, it often works out that way. McDurmon should take his own advice . . . What happened …

Libertarian Letters

Apparently People Want to Discuss Libertarianism: It seems that in secular libertarianism that one’s rights and freedoms are decoupled from one’s responsibilities. For any particular freedom is had in order to fulfill a specific responsibility. And that such responsibilities are set by the purpose of a person. So we should be at the point that …

Letters on the Lock and Key Business. And More.

Inappropriate Appropriation: In your article titled “Appropriate This” you ask the question: “What do you call it when you have an acute case of vicarious embarrassment for someone who ought to be embarrassed about what they are doing, but somehow inexplicably is not?” I could not help but smile and recall a number of years …

Tuesday and the Letters It Brings

All the Aimee Posts: Your unfolding review of Aimee Byrd’s latest is an excellent little nugget of discernment. What especially comes across to me is the awareness of subtle fallacies which, when one has truly thought through the biblical principles involved, are not so subtle after all. Thank you. I am far from pessimistic about …