Abortion Really Does Matter: Concerning “Why Abortion Matters So Much.” I’m a young man, headed to college soon; considering all of these things, considering why abortion is such a big deal, why it’s such a terrible thing, a question has entered my mind. Why do we not strive to war against abortion doctors in the …
You Write the Letters and Then I Post Them
The Microsoft Thou Gavest Me: I believe that some afghans would make a room more comfortable, but for most people, Afghans, unless carefully chosen, would not. Jane Jane, I need to tell you I did it right the first time, but Microsoft gave me a red, squiggly line, and there were no other alternatives offered …
Letters to Aid Us in Our Human Flourishing
Our Woke Leadership: Re: “I may address some other things from Mason’s book as time goes by. That all depends upon whether I am sufficiently provoked.” I miss No Quarter November. Any chance of a reprise this year? Bill Bill, there’s a chance. Submission: Did the photo you posted of the Woke Church staying woke …
Letters in Mid-April!
Wokery: Thank you for this. Would you mind explaining briefly what “woke” is, in laymen terms, and would you mind giving a brief explanation of why it’s sin? I agree that it is sin, but there are these contrary mind daggers competing for the moral high ground. Therefore, if I had a concise statement on …
The Mailbag Was Full of Letters
An Important Note: My ministry colleagues here at Grace Church and Grace to You at last have an official and absolutely complete version of the ShepCon Panel Q&A Of Note posted. Perhaps you’d be willing to amend your articleto reflect this? Grace and peace to you, brother. Bill Bill, thanks. And we will post this …
And Another Thing. Trump Sure Knows How to Generate Letters.
Trump and Voting: The problem with voting for any presidential candidate that has a chance of winning is encapsulated in the phrase “voting for the lesser evil.” Since when should a follower of Christ be supporting anyone who is evil? The kingdoms of this world belong to Satan and by their nature states are basically …
So Here Are More Letters
Prophetic Language, Huh? Greetings in the name of Christ. I have benefitted from your writing over the years and I agree with you on many of even the most controversial topics you cover. Yet your terribly poor judgment in using that filthy word, and your recalcitrance in now refusing humbly to repent, calls into question …
Language, Vaccines, Adultery, and More
Dealing with Adultery Thanks for this, Pastor Wilson. My wife is dealing with this same dilemma, though with a worse offense than simple adultery. I’m very blessed that she’s even considering retaining me in my “office” as husband. What she’s wrestling with, and has found few resources to help with, is this: What standards should …
As the Letter Cometh
Intransigence is Such a Great Word: Regarding your well detailed essay on godly intransigence I have experienced significant whiplash on this matter. Back in 2004 I had moved to my new home in an area populated with Democrats. Since this was a presidential election year I knew the overall sentiment was for John Kerry based …
From the Digital Mailbag
The Counseling Thing Thank you so much for your ministry. God has used your writings and lectures to impact me and my family significantly. On the biblical counseling topic I would put this false teaching as one of the most dangerous. Counseling, and psychology get into the living rooms and bedrooms of people. And if …