NQNQ, RBI Stats, MVP, and the Expansion of NATO

Introduction: Actually, this is not about NATO at all. One of our post-November traditions is to give you all a peek at some of what was happening behind the scenes during the jollity that we have come to know as November. NQNQ: So this was our quinquennial year of doing this November thing. That’s a …

Five or Six Carolina Reapers on a Plate of Kraft Mac and Cheese

Prolegomena to the Introduction: Admittedly, this post is going to start out somewhat mildly. But I am simply setting the table, and boiling the water. What I am serving today is Kraft Mac and Cheese, ...

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In Which I Toot My Own Horn, Albeit in a Modest and Becoming Fashion

Introduction: In the month of November, recall, it is imperative that I write slashing and critical prose, and that I do so without qualification. This is a standard I believe all of us (by this point) ...

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