Introduction: A few days ago I published a post on the French/Ahmari scuffle, in the course which I called on National Review to confess the name of Jesus. That post can be found here, and I am grateful to Andrew Sandlin for his response to my piece, which can be found here. There are some …
Platt, Trump, Falwell and Maybe Some Others
Sorry to be late to this particular party, but this is one hopping circus, and it is hard to keep track of all the trapeze artists. I mean, some go this way while the others are going that way. So what happened was this. I summarize, and do so with the need for brevity in …
The National Review Blind Spot
Introduction: I was going to title this piece Another French & Indian War, but when I looked it up I discovered that Sohrab Ahmari is of Iranian descent. So that didn’t work out, and let us hope that things improve a bit for me from here. And besides, this issue is not really about those …
Our Lumpen Intelligentsia
Introduction: I believe it to be generally acknowledged that I am an easy-going fellow. For example, it has been some years now, and I don’t think any one of you has seen me complaining about when we started calling babysitters caregivers. See? Go along get along. And I think that part of the reason I …
Idaho Horse Racing
For my Idaho readers, we have a measure on the ballot coming up in a few weeks that would reboot Idaho horse racing. What shall we make of that? The measure (Prop 1) would set a minimum number for horse races, would allow betting on those races, and would allow the installation of horse-race-betting machines …
A Vanishing Center
Although it be Tuesday, there will be no letters or responses today. It is a long and unhappy tale, what with me being on the road, and the wireless on my laptop konking out, such that I am reduced to typing with one finger on my iPad, and I don’t have ready access to your …
Prophetic or Political?
I would like to begin this discussion by looking at Tim Keller’s objection to the recent Statement on Social Justice. He said, in effect, that while he agreed with much of what the statement said, he had a problem with what the statement was doing. The statement offered up a lot of true things for …
Still Not Impressed With Social Justice?
Introduction: We continue our lessons in social justice arising out of systems or narratives of social justification, and so it behooves us—do you not agree that behooves needs to get back into wider circulation?—it behooves us to look at a number of examples. I am thinking about Trump, and Samson, and King David, and Joel …
As It Says in Leviticus . . .
The responses to my piece from Monday on social justification/social justice have started to heat up, and if you decide to wade through them I would like to ask everyone to keep their eye on the ball. What is actually going on? Remember that social justice is a framework of social “sanctification” that must, of …
American Vision and the Word that Justifies
Introduction: Joel McDurmon has written a lengthy explanation of why he could not sign the Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel, and you can find his explanation here. What I would like to do in this space is provide a two-fold response to his explanation. The first is actually not a response, but rather …