Still Not Impressed With Social Justice?

Introduction: We continue our lessons in social justice arising out of systems or narratives of social justification, and so it behooves us—do you not agree that behooves needs to get back into wider circulation?—it behooves us to look at a number of examples. I am thinking about Trump, and Samson, and King David, and Joel …

As It Says in Leviticus . . .

The responses to my piece from Monday on social justification/social justice have started to heat up, and if you decide to wade through them I would like to ask everyone to keep their eye on the ball. What is actually going on? Remember that social justice is a framework of social “sanctification” that must, of …

American Vision and the Word that Justifies

Introduction: Joel McDurmon has written a lengthy explanation of why he could not sign the Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel, and you can find his explanation here. What I would like to do in this space is provide a two-fold response to his explanation. The first is actually not a response, but rather …