Letter to the Editor: Question regarding the use of the divine pronouns. From what I can tell, you capitalize them consistently in your work. I'm reading through Rosaria's 5 Lies and ...
Letters Continue to Arrive, as They Are Wont to Do
Letter to the Editor: Regarding the psalm 147 sermon,Is it possible to ask Pastor Wilson who is the Watts he is referring to about the “cistern in the sky” comment? Also, he has ...
April Letters Bring May Debtors
NB: the headline may not make sense, but it rhymes. Letter to the Editor: You present via Milton one inference of the way in which Adam sinned —and the conclusions you make I believe ...
Letter Writers Helping Out the Letter Readers
Letter to the Editor: Just a question, if I may. In a recent post entitled, "Classical Charter Schools as a Cut Flowers Display," You mention a quote from Peter Berger..."you should ...
Letters From a Bunch of People
Letter to the Editor: Hello dear brother Doug, I thank God for you! I have a fellow pastor who is working through how to discipline his wife. He believes that as he spanks his children (not ...
Brace Yourself for Tuesday Letters
Letter to the Editor: There is a group claiming that Doug teaches that a minister/elder must be married. Can you clarify Doug's position on this? Thank you! Christopher ...
So It’s Letters in March Now, Is It?
Letter to the Editor: You have stood your ground on what is called Christian Nationalism since long before it was popular it seems to me. You've gotten a lot of flak for it along the way, ...
Letters To Help While Away the Time
N.B. Before anyone writes in to correct "while away" to "wile away," please know that while away is the older usage, and the newer and formerly incorrect wile away shouldered its way in, such that even ...
Letters That Help to Soothe the Brain
Letter to the Editor: I was perusing my news feed this morning, and came across a buzz feed article about cult towns in the US. Third on the list was Moscow, Idaho, because of the church ...
Epistolary Fun in February
Letter to the Editor: Doug, interesting observation about the Isaac Watts hymn you quoted: "“Yet,” saith the Lord, “should nature change,And mothers monsters prove,"In fact, that's ...