So, then, record snow storms in all kinds of odd places. Evidence for melting Himalayan glaciers . . . melts. The culprits were caught cooking the books. The guy at the center of that controversy now admits that nothing has been warming since 1995, and beside, they lost a bunch of papers, with evidence n’ …
The Plague of Salt Water
The EPA, under the adroit leadership of Saruman, has now declared CO2 to be a pollutant. As the Staples Singers taught us so many years ago — “put your hand on your mouth when you cough, that’ll help the solution.” And after these Hilaritards have regulated all us CO2 emitters into the ground, they will …
That Giant Ball of Fire in the Sky
Here is a post on the global warming equivalent of the ACORN scandal. Here is the story thus far. Somebody hacked into the emails of a major global warming research center, posted the emails on a public server, where they were for a few hours. Before they were taken down, some other folks downloaded them, …
Insufferable Light Bulbs
Last night the overnight temperature here in Moscow was 12 degrees above zero, 7 degrees below the previous record for this date. This datum by itself is an anomaly, an outlier, a quirk. But taken together with what sane people all over the world are observing, to such an extent and at such levels that …
Watermelon Green
In the previous post on stewardship, one commenter asked a reasonable question. Why is it that I consistently use green as a term of contempt? And when do I, if ever, speak of the genuine demands of biblical stewardship in the environment? Consider this as a first pass in attempting to answer that question. First, …
Their Frenzies and Crusades
One area of secular blindness (one of many) is their inability to see how religious they are being. Having defined religion quite narrowly as church buildings and altars, they are utterly incapable of seeing the all-pervasive and quite religious nature of their frenzies and crusades. The problem with invisible religions like this is that one …
In Like a Lion, Out Like a Bear
I would take a photo out my window of the snow storm that is pounding us here, but enemies of the gospel of global cooling would think I had photoshopped it. This is a crisis. We clearly need to hand over unlimited power now to government bureaucrats and regulators, not to mention faceless international functionaries, …
Boy Howdy
I put my truck in 4-wheel drive this morning to help me get to work . . . in March. Late last week, I was assuming that we were dealing with a spring snow, the kind of thing we have to put up with in Idaho from time to time. But no, this is the …
The Cow With Some Evangelistic Liturature
We arrived in Oxford yesterday, and appear to have brought some Idaho winter with us. It was snowing again here this morning, which is apparently somewhat remarkable here. And of course, whenever it snows in some remarkable fashion, in any kind of proximity to me, I rise to say a few words on the important …
Up to My Waist in Global Warming, Shovel in Hand
Okay, I had to shovel my walk again this morning. Our Ponderosa pine are beautifully flocked again. We have had more snow than I ever remember having here. Snowfall records are shattered in Spokane. My truck hasn’t been out of four-wheel drive in weeks. As a friend asked me at church yesterday, where is Al …