Turns out that fewer than half of scientists who have published on climate change in the last few years believe that there is something to the global warming hooey. Looky here. Turns out that the icebergs may not be melting, and that the totali-science that some are trying to practice these days may be melting. …
I have opened a new category entitled Global Swarming. It has become apparent that this particular form of hysteria over global warming is going to be with us for some months yet, and I would like to say something about it from time to time. The title reflects my conviction that we are ostensibly dealing …
Shoot, Follow the Money
Later this month, John McCain is going to be speaking in Seattle at an event cohosted by the Discovery Institute, an organization that has been behind a bunch of the Intelligent Design stuff. And so, predictably, a lot of advocates of Approved Thought have expressed their disapproval of this most recent outbreak of Disapproved Thought, …
Mark Steyn calls them ecochondriacs — people who are convinced of global warming and who are wailing on their guitars and beating their statist drums to a tune that Foreigner made popular way back in the day. URGENT. Unless we all take action NOW, we are all going to DIE, and it won’t FUNNY THEN. …
Bad Science and Bad Manners
While rescue efforts in New Orleans are still ongoing, various liberals are starting to emerge with “gotcha!” observations on the source of the disaster — global warming, the U.S. backing out of the Kyoto treaty, and so on. Even if they had a point (instead of being dramatically wrong), they ought to have a better …