Please check out the website for our friends at Ball and Cross Books. It is also posted off to the left.
More Shroud Stuff
Since the Shroud of Turin web site went up last week, the response has been really remarkable, with lots of interest and respect from all around the world. But some of our local critics have been beside themselves, and have behaved like a nine-year-old boy throwing rocks at a train . . . ten minutes …
More on the Shroud
The Shroud stuff continues to chug along on merrily. Response from all over has certainly been noteworthy. The web site now has a new FAQ feature, where folks can satisfy their curiosity about medieval glass manufacturing capacity and such like. Look at the bottom of the “About” column.
Random Gifts
We get the odd contributions now and again. Just yesterday, some very thoughtful Wisconsin folks responded to the new Credenda devoted to cheese by sending us a wheel of Colby that was made in their neighborhood just a few days before. And it was really good too. And a few months ago, a woman named …
Debate With James White (DVD)
Off to the right, third item down, is the debate I had last year with James White on whether or not Roman Catholics are members of the new covenant. It is now available through Canon Press (sorry about the delay), and we hope you are edified by it.
Heads Up
A couple new features are floating around here, just to let you know. First, if you scroll down and look on the left hand side, you will see that the site now has a search feature. Hope it helps. Also, off to the immediate left, I now have the capacity to rotate in various web …
Slab of Humanity
Off to the left you see that I think that Zarafa Tutorials is one place you should check out, particularly if you have any children of writing age and you want to nurture them in creativity–which involves more than just grammatical competence. I recently had some fun looking at their first edition of The Dogberry …
Many Thanks
I am currently listening to the 70th edition of the Mars Hill Audio Journal, and it struck me how greatly indebted to Ken Myers I am. Over the years, this audio journal has been the most fruitful source of outstanding book recommendations of my experience. Give them a look if you have a moment.
High Mountain Air
Haven’t posted anything in a week, and that is because my wife and I were off in Florida at the annual family advance sponsored by Trinity Presbyterian Church in lovely Sandestin. The other conference speaker was Rob Rayburn, who simply did an outstanding job. Listening to him speak is like breathing high mountain air. His …
Just Back From LA
I just arrived back in town from a debate jaunt down to LA. The hosts of the debate, Alpha/Omega Ministries, were gracious in every respect, and I enjoyed meeting James White, and thoroughly enjoyed our debate. The event was videotaped, and will be available some time soon. When it is, I will post a link …