Please allow me to commend the good work of some friends — Uri and Jarrod — at a place called Trinity Talk. I got involved in it all somehow.
Poor Richard’s Journal
Nate is on what they call a “blog tour.” He will be on a different blog every day for the next six days, and the first one can be found here . It contains some material not found in the triology (a first installment of Richard’s notes on his own attempts at cupboards adventure), and …
Americana Meets Fantasy
Turns Out One of the Cupboards Leads to the Today Show
As my daughter Bekah put it, this is festive. Al Roker of the Today show has selected 100 Cupboards as the next book they will be reading for Al’s Book Club for Kids. You can find out more about it here and here.
The Chestnut King Release
Today is the release date for The Chestnut King. It’s a hummer .
Which Means You Can Probably Make It Now
I previously had occasion to plug a conference hosted by our friends at Emmanuel in north London. I bring this up so that you may be apprised of the fact that they have had to change the dates. Just so you know .
Bug Hunt
Okay, we have rolled over to our new format, for the most part. Like I said, some of you are not reading this because you live in a rural part of Internetistan, and all you can hear are the crickets. But in a day or so you will come over and you can catch up …
Murphy Lives
There’s always a glitch or two. We should be switching within a few hours — Lord willing and the crik don’t rise.
Speaking Schedule
Speaking Schedule stuff goes here…