So as a world tour kind of thing, it is not so much, but still we all have to go up to the Logos Knights Court for the concert on Friday night, so it is kind of a tour. Let’s call it a there-and-back-again tour. Anyhow, what’s a tour without a T-shirt? These were graciously …
Out of the Left Field Bleachers
While you are over there, take a gander at the new CanonWIRED site. But the occasion for doing so is this extended response to the kerfluffle over Rob Bell’s universalism. Consider it a contribution to the discussion that is coming out of the left field bleachers.
Getting Into the Funny Pictures
Logos Concert | Caricatures from Canon Wired on Vimeo.
A Little Skynyrd
As I have mentioned before, we are having a grand time preparing and practicing for the Logos Benefit Concert. Speaking of a grand time, here is a link to a grand piano that has been donated for auction to help us raise funds. And while you are there, check out the nifty graphic on the …
One More Visage
The most recent guest caricature has now been posted on the Logos Benefit Concert site — the visage concerned being that of Mark Reagan. For those interested, the night of the concert all the originals for these pictures, all by our own Jay Niemeyer, will be auctioned off.
Family Conference in London
Even though it has been snowing, I am already thinking in terms of “this spring.” And later this spring, Nancy and I will be traveling to Europe, and will be visiting our friends in the UK on the way back. We will be doing a family conference in north London, and more information can be …
Rhymes With Moby
We have a new guest listed at the Logos Benefit Concert page. Here tis.
But I Have No Way to Tilt the Arrow As It Moves Down the Page
There’s a new video clip of our friends at Veritas Hall, which you can get to by clicking on their ad over there →
Book Signing in Florida
For those in the area, Nate will be signing books this afternoon at Barnes & Noble in the Coconut Point Mall in Estero, Florida. He will be there from 4-6 pm, local time.
Of Course, If Southern Rock Had Been Jersey Rock, It Would Have Been Freeboid.
Logos 30 Year Birthday Benefit Concert Trailer from Canon Wired on Vimeo.