“Andrew felt as though he recognized him somehow, and also felt something in his stomach, something that felt like it had tasted like guilt before it got to his stomach.”
Like the Blackest of Gravel
“‘Welcome to my home,’ the creature on the right side said. His voice sounded deep, like black gravel.”
Andrew and the Firedrake, p. 9
Soft But Metallic
“The air was completely still, and the boy could not hear anything, not even the faint murmuring of insects. And that is why, after about a half an hour, his attention was drawn to a distant metallic sound, like silver coins being stirred in a chest in a distant room.”
Andrew and the Firedrake, p. 3
A True Story Either Way
“But I can say that if it really happened, then it happened as I have told it. If it did not, then it should be reckoned as the kind of fairy story that is still truer in many ways than the true histories that some people think they like to tell.”
Andrew and the Firedrake, p. ix
A Different Vantage
“We are living in a time when all the wheels appear to be coming off Pharaoh’s chariots. But this should not distress us because we are Israelites, and we are already standing on the opposite shore.”
Gashmu Saith It, p. 99
Junipers Producing Grapefruit
“A nation of fornicating potheads will not enjoy civil liberty. You might as well expect to plant thistles and harvest barley.”
Gashmu Saith It, p. 90
Imitate the Whole Story
“Husbands, your task is to model for the world what the objective gospel actually looks like. And, in case you have forgotten, it looks like blood, sweat, and tears. You are the hands of Christ as He preaches His message of salvation to the world, and never forget that those hands are pierced. You are husbands—you are to be pierced. You are the head. Does that tempt you to puff yourself up, as though that meant you were the King Boss? No, you are the head, and you are instructed to be the head the same way Jesus was. How was Jesus the head? Remember that if you are the head, you are supposed to have a crown of thorns jammed on it.”
Gashmu Saith It, p. 86
A Good Testimony Plays on the Swings
“If you are out at the park with your small tribe, and you get cold stares from angry lesbians, you are not bringing disrepute on the gospel. God says the opposite. God is in charge of what constitutes a good testimony in an age like ours.”
Gashmu Saith It, pp. 84-85
So Don’t Act Surprised
“The spirit of grace and generosity does not take Mammon out of your hands, but it most certainly takes you out of Mammon’s hands. And while Mammon remains a snake, the Lord promised that we could handle serpents without harm (Mark 16:18). But apart from the sovereign grace of God, you cannot keep money from doing what money always does.”
Gashmu Saith It, p. 78
Monetized Exegesis
“It is too often the case that we follow Christ when pocket change is involved, but dismiss the demands of discipleship when real money starts to alter our exegesis.”
Gashmu Saith It, p. 76