“Her voice was a sweet contralto, and it reminded Andrew of nuts, and oranges, and a woman that he assumed was his mother.”
All Misery
“Not big. By the time a soul is damned, it has withered a great deal. But what is left is all misery.”
What All Dragons Want
“So Fafnir has chosen what he wants. He does not want to eat hay or become a weaver. He is a dragon, so he wants to hoard gold and capture maidens. You are Andrew, and your fathers were great in the kingdom, and so you want to kill the firedrake.”
As Though Nothing at All Had Happened
“On the far side of this flat space, covered with rocks and boulders, the path resumed its way down the long hillside as though nothing had happened.”
Well Beyond
“And then, softly, beyond the clouds, beyond that, he heard a woman’s voice singing, high and melodious.”
Overwhelmed and Encouraged
“And yet, when Kyru mentioned the Lord Christ, Andrew felt himself feeling both overwhelmed and encouraged. The overwhelming sensation was like someone had placed an enormous weight on his chest. The encouragement was in the fact that he could still walk.”
Always West
“Sons of Adam are always to go West. It is the way back to Eden, the way of return.”
Not a Slow Dream
“He had a heavy dream, but for all its weight it flew by quickly.”
New Every Morning
“Behind him, in the dense green trees of the new garden numerous other birds were singing as though they had just been created. For, of course, as far as they were concerned, they had been.”
Breathing Glory
“Suddenly, he caught another burst of white off to the right. He walked slowly forward, and, as he did, he could feel a heavy weight settling on his chest. Years later, when he was an old man, he said that it was like breathing glory, and that it was too thick for him to breathe in.”