“The hellfire preacher of the New Testament is Jesus, not the apostles. Not Paul.”
The Light From Behind the Sun, p. 169
“The hellfire preacher of the New Testament is Jesus, not the apostles. Not Paul.”
The Light From Behind the Sun, p. 169
“But whenever we are dealing with symbolic language, we must remember that the symbol is always less than the reality. The wedding ring is less than the marriage. The flag is less than the country it represents. This means that if the lake of fire is a literal lake of fire, then it must be really bad. But if the lake of fire is merely symbolic, then that means that the reality it represents is far worse . . . Saying that the fire and brimstone are symbolic does not fix our dilemma. Symbolic of what?”
The Light From Behind the Sun, p. 166
“In order to be formidable adversaries to the darkness confronting us, we have to understand that we will never look formidable to them.”
The Light From Behind the Sun, p. 163
“But we proclaim Jesus. Not the Jesus who plays in ten thousand places, but the Jesus being preached by a hard fundamentalist prophet in a Flannery story.”
The Light From Behind the Sun, p. 161
“The progressive agenda is nothing but a wrecking crew of gracious femininity—bloody wombs, barrenness as glory, perverse arts, grotesque lesbianism, and all the rest of it.”
The Light From Behind the Sun, p. 161
“But you can’t have normal without Jesus. And furthermore, if you have Jesus, that will bring you straight back to normal. Jesus and metrosexual do not go together. Jesus and artificial wombs do not go together. Jesus and VR sex do not go together. Jesus and prancing men in the offertory do not go together. Jesus and 57 genders do not go together. Virtually every outrageous thing we read about today is being served up to us from the macrobes.”
The Light From Behind the Sun, p. 160
“The evangelical church is crammed full of men without chests, who must absolutely learn that they must come to the point of rebellion. And the evangelical church is also crammed with unsubmissive women, who must repent of that, seeking to learn what it is to glory in womanhood.”
The Light From Behind the Sun, p. 159
“In the name of advancing the position of women, she discovers that what this approach to education actually does is degrade women into something else. A first-rate woman is transformed into a third-rate man. She is hard, brittle, touchy, and most miserable.”
The Light From Behind the Sun, p. 154
“What we are looking at through our telescopes is not the debris field and leftover gasses from a large and rather unfortunate explosion . . . Lord Sabaoth means Lord of hosts, Lord of the armies, Lord of all the stars.”
The Light From Behind the Sun, p. 141
“Has any mortal seen Heaven? Well, actually, all of us have seen the outskirts. If you ask a typical modern if he has ever seen an angel, you will likely get laughed at. You are likely to get this treatment even if the modern you ask happens to be a professing Christian. ‘Seeing angels’ is something our more excitable brethren on the charismatic fringes do, and we by contrast are sober, responsible, upright, not drunk, and pretty dude. And so when one of these buttoned-up-tight Christians tells you that he has never seen an angel, has it ever occurred to you to point at the night sky and ask, ‘So what are those?’”
The Light From Behind the Sun, p. 140