“I am not being attacked because I deny sola gratia and sola fide. I affirm them, and with about the same amount of enthusiasm as a Cossack dancing.”
Honest Subscription
“Strict subscription does not uphold the Westminster Confession. It is a flagrant denial of it. Synods and councils have erred, and do err, including this one, chump. Loose subscription is no help either. What good is a fence around the vegetable garden of truth that makes sure they are holes every ten feet big enough for the average erroneous rabbit? But there is an alternative to strict subscription, which necessarily elevates the Confession to the level of Scripture, and loose subscription, which lowers the Confession to the level of the 9th and 10th amendments to the U.S Constitution. This alternative is called honest subscription.”
The Original Arabic
“They can also differ in the adverb—how do you conserve things? One kind of conservative tries to do this woodenly. He doesn’t want anything to change, period, and so he insists that every candidate at presbytery take a vow to uphold the original Westminster in exactly the form it came down from Allah in the original Arabic. But the mushy liberals are no better. They want candidates to appear at presbytery like they were guests on Oprah. ‘Tell us what the Westminster Confession has meant to you in times of trouble.’”
Well, Yes, There’s That
“They will perhaps add that this is why nobody wants to debate you. You keep getting off the point, which is that you are a heretic, and keep gravitating to extraneous material, like how the early Reformed fathers made almost all the same points you guys are making.”
Did My Part
“This salvation, a sheer gift of nothing but grace, bring with it forgiveness for my sins, everlasting righteousness, and salvation. This is all done through Christ’s work of obedience alone. In the work of salvation, Christ did His part and I did mine. He did the saving, and I got in the way.”
A Pointed Allegation
“It is alleged that we might know what the Heidelberg Catechism says, but we don’t really believe it, as opposed to those true souls elsewhere who believe it, but don’t know what it says.”
The Best Presbyterian Ever
“Presbyterians like to point out (and I actually agree with them on this, being a presbyterian), that the first century Jewish system of polity and governance was a representative and presbyterian one. That makes Jesus a presbyterian. But after the warm glow has worn off, we then realize that this means that the Lord was condemned by the General Assembly—moved, seconded, and spanged right into the minutes.”
Just Call Me Trevor
“There are many ways in which I consider myself a TR. Or make that a TRFVer. Just call me Trevor.”
Out of Conformity
“As a confessional Reformed minister who has honestly subscribed to the Westminster Confession of Faith, I am also convinced that many of the ‘distinctive’ I am accused of promulgating are not distinctives at all, but are in fact the teaching and doctrine of the Confession. And so this means I believe our adversaries are actually out of conformity with the teaching of the Confession at a number of points.”
An Obedient Israel
“If the history of the Old Testament can be summed up as ‘Israel screws up,’ then the story of Christ is summed up as ‘Israel does it right.’ . . . The reason I can be an Israelite and not be destroyed is Israel is now obedient. And whose obedience was this? How did it happen? The active obedience of Christ began with His miraculous brith, and His exile in Egypt, and His restoration from Egypt. Out of Egypt God called His Son. And when God called His Son, we came too.”