“By distorting sphere sovereignty, these authors have embraced intellectual schizophrenia. What one believes to be true in one location (church), one must forget when entering the other church he attends (the lab). At the risk of sounding revolutionary, if something is false we should reject it, regardless of the source. And if it is true, …
Despair Is Too Optimistic
“As Cornelius Van Til observed, moderns think they understand themselves. As becker’s writing evidences, even in their despair, they think that despair makes sense. But a man cannot even say, ‘Everything is senseless,’ without making sense; rebellious man is trapped in the world God made and not the world he can only partially and inconsistently …
Unattainable Randomness
“A godless, Christless cosmos — impossible even to imagine, even for the sake of argument — is a fragmented pile. Worse than a pile, it j^&%n*&i^5 — fully and completely senseless. Even such random keystrokes exhibit far more order than is conceivable without Him; they move in a straight line, left to right. Order and …
The Love of Death
“So relativism, in the realm of higher, secular education, has come to the end of its tether. And like a stupid but persistent dog, still alive but discouraged, the relativists keep yanking, trying to get free of the constraints imposed on them through God’s created order. Our secularist college and university system has a death …
Most Scholars’ Review
“In fact, so many appeals are made to ‘most scholars’ that the young student may be tempted to try to find articles at the library listed under Most Scholars’ Review. Even those Christian colleges that have managed to retain some doctrinal integrity with regard to their Christian commitments have capitulated to the spirit of academic …
The Elective System
“The market system works just fine when we are seeking the kind of toothpaste that suits us best. But when the true, the good, and the beautiful are made into elective courses, no one should be surprised when freshmen consistently sign up for the far more popular courses promoting the false, the wrong, and the …
Where the Problem Started
“The declension of culture in America is comparable to well-meaning but naive parents who raise a child without discipline and without instilling self-control and who are then shocked at the extent of the rebellion apparent when that child gets away from home. The extent of our current rebellion can be seen in our cultural parade …
The Pudding That Proves
“According to a popular mythology in more conservative circles, the nineteenth century was a time of strong traditional values, when it was actually a monkey house of radicalism. The traditional values, such as they were, were the harvest of what had been planted in previous centuries — vestiges of Christendom. But the crop that was …
Muddling About
“But studied neutrality is impossible, and obnoxious examples are cropping up more and more frequently, in fulfillment of a collegial application of the dictim that a man who doesn’t stand for something will fall for anything. We now find the Zeitgeist appearing in raunchy requirements for classes, ‘revivals’ that resemble group therapy confessionals, and urbane …
Too Much Jelly
“By the thousands, parents are saying, ‘Not with my kid, you don’t,’ and have enrolled their children in private academies, have started to homeschool, take taken advantage of tutorial services, and so forth. However, this growing challenge to secular education has some necessary ramifications in the years to come, for which established evangelical colleges are …