Calvin on Young Earth Creation as a “Chief Doctrine of the Faith”

[Speaking of predestination], Calvin says, “But if their shamelessness deters us, we shall have to keep secret the chief doctrines of the faith, almost none of which they or their like leave untouched by blasphemy. An obstinate person would be no less insolently puffed up on hearing that within the essence of God there three …

Some Arguments Against Evolution

“It [evolution] gives us almost everything the imagination craves – irony, heroism, vastness, unity in multiplicity, and a tragic close. It appeals to every part of me except my reason.” C.S. Lewis Arguments against the theory of evolution can be classified into four broad categories. We may call them particular evidences concerning questions of fact …

Intelligent Design and Stealth Creationism

Last Friday, a friend named Scott Minnich addressed the weekly disputatio at New St. Andrews. Dr. Minnich is a professor in microbiology at the University of Idaho, and he testified in the recent trial in Dover, PA as an expert witness on behalf of Intelligent Design. His talk was fascinating — with regard to the …

Velveeta Evidence

The president of the University of Idaho has, in a maladroit attempt to avoid controversy, created a controversy. He put out a statement the other day that in the scientific departments of the university, the teaching of Intelligent Design was verboten-idea-kind-of-thing. Science is based on evidence, he said, and then issued a decree from on …