In Which Time Magazine Reports That We Have Always Been at War with Eastasia

Introduction: Time magazine has published a remarkable piece, one which might leave more than a few sensible observers gobsmacked. It is a piece which acknowledges all manner of jiggering with this ...

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Trump: a Postmortem

Introduction: Now that the yelling has subsided somewhat, and I think that it is at least possible that I might be heard by people outside my little corner, I wanted to make a few points about the Trump years. I want to register some gratitude, make some observations, and offer some criticisms, and in that …

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Aphorisms for a Tedious Week

You cannot invoke the gods of chaos without getting the gods of chaos. Offended by the president’s lack of basic decency, the respectable leadership of official Washington has declared that it was time to race him to the bottom. Turns out they show remarkable talent for it. Official Washington lecturing the president on his lack …

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The Bat Guano Chronicles

Introduction: Remember when you were a kid, and your sister was going to have a birthday party, and you wanted to help by blowing up balloons? But you weren’t that good at it yet, and so occasionally you would get one up to the requisite size, but then your fingers would slip, and the balloon …

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