Correction: There is an error in the sentence below, which I have struck from the essay: "Rutherford distinguishes “power of government and power of government by magistracy” (Q2, emphasis mine). ...
The Fiasco of No Fear
Introduction: I am currently enjoying a book by Michael Reeves and Joel Beeke called Following God Fully: An Introduction to the Puritans. It is a marvelous book thus far, but I bring it up merely ...
7 Principles for Navigating a Purple Cultural Meltdown
Introduction: It does no good to say that you are not a prepper. Everybody's a prepper. This is one of Rushdoony's inescapable concepts, not whether but which. It is not whether you are prepping for ...
A Jehoiada Situation
Introduction: Since the installation of Resident Biden, remembering that the p is silent, I have been urging Christians to "wait for the flash point." Given the polarized state of our nation, the fact ...
The Empathy Wars
Introduction: Well, that mustache for starters . . . In a somewhat odd turn of events, a controversy has recently broken out over the relative merits of sympathy and empathy. But if you drill ...
Liberty Redefined
Introduction: Some years ago, Ron Paul wrote a book entitled Liberty Defined. Glancing over the topics he addresses, it might have been better called Liberty Described, because the bulk of the book works through various topics like conscription, and surveillance, and monetary policy—all the kind of topics where libertarians and conservatives might easily find common …
In Which Time Magazine Reports That We Have Always Been at War with Eastasia
Introduction: Time magazine has published a remarkable piece, one which might leave more than a few sensible observers gobsmacked. It is a piece which acknowledges all manner of jiggering with this ...
Trump: a Postmortem
Introduction: Now that the yelling has subsided somewhat, and I think that it is at least possible that I might be heard by people outside my little corner, I wanted to make a few points about the Trump years. I want to register some gratitude, make some observations, and offer some criticisms, and in that …
The P is Silent
So let's name this, shall we? I propose that we either drop the p, or treat the p as silent. That way we can readily refer to Resident Biden, or say something like "today the resident announced ...
Tell It Not in Gath
Introduction: There is little doubt in my mind that America is currently being chastised by the Lord, and He must have sent a great angel of frenzy upon us to do it. One of the evidences of such chastisement ...