Waylon Jennings had a great line in one of his songs where he said that he “was too dumb for New York City, too ugly for LA.” Speaking from my seat here in fly-over country, I actually think he was probably just fine. When you get caught up in the swirl of the big city …
Just About Says It All
Pre-Cambrian Spending
Rep. Paul Ryan has introduced his budget proposal, the work of a responsible adult. The screeching began almost immediately, with shouts that Ryan and the orcs with him were hellbent on starving widows and orphans. Keep your eye on the ball. We are no longer debating whether or not there will be draconian cuts. That’s …
If a Charlie Sheen Rant Were a War
In foreign policy, there are two kinds of competence. Both of them are good things, but you cannot rely on one of them alone. At the same time, the presence of one can ameliorate a situation, keeping it from becoming the outright disaster it would otherwise be. Let’s take the latest adventure in Libya for …
Obams Away!
Okay, so now the most leftist president we have ever had has opened up a third front in the Middle East. Sure, it has been done in the liberal way of war . . . lots of wish-it-weren’t-soing, lots of crabwalk drills, lots of getting the French to bomb first, lots of important people doing …
A Dead Calico Cat on the High Altar
This morning I saw on the news that Gov. Walker’s bill concerning public sector unions passed the Wisconsin house. The 14 Wisconsin senators are still AWOL, and the governor says that if they don’t get a bill scaling things back for everybody, then instead of keeping everybody with a little less, he will have to …
Smart as Paint
If the directors of private insurance companies ran their businesses the same way that the state runs its entitlement programs and pension plans, they would every man jack of them be in the slammer. And when I say “the slammer,” I mean chokey, the big house, the can, the clink, the bastille, the cooler, and …
Two Cheers for Fox News
I know that none of the cool kids really like Fox News. But the coolshame won’t work on me here because I actually do think that O’Reilly is insufferable, and than Hannity has morphed into an incarnate talking point. But at the same time, I do get my daily (televised) news doses from Special Report …
Obama as Charlie Sheen
I believe it was the late Joe Sobran who once said, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, I’m a Republican!” In the comment thread of a recent post, after I had suggested the reform of abolishing the Department of Education, and burning all the buildings …
Eager for the Wrong Kind of Vindication
The Scriptures tell us what kind of man is qualified to lead us. “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens”(Ex. 18:21). …