Dear Pastor, You now have a limited number of options before you, and they all involve hills. You can determine to fight the current progressive overreach, or you can try to avoid doing so. If you know that you will fight, but only when it become absolutely necessary, then they will pick the terrain and …
Red Queen Rising
After all those unpleasant choking sounds and the consequent demise of our constitutional republic, we are just a short way into the reign of our dear queen, the red one out of Alice. Her principal talent lies in her ability simply to insist on arbitrary authority, with no logic whatever to back it up. So …
7 Follow-On Thoughts to Crimson Carnage
Occasionally something I write slips the leash and I have to spend a couple hours looking for it. That was the case here and so I thought it necessary to add a few follow-on thoughts. 1. Bryan Loritts said this on Twitter about my article: “@douglaswils blog is like using a eulogy to preach on …
An Oddball Gallery of Flags
A couple posts ago, I wrote about why I was not going to say anything about South Carolina taking down their Confederate battle flag at their capitol building. Some mistook my point and jeered at the fact that I had a good deal to say about other stuff. But the other stuff was relevant, and …
Jeb! Taken Another Way
I watched an extensive interview with Jeb Bush the other night, and tracked with quite a bit of what I was hearing. On my list of candidates in the Republican primary, he has not yet been crossed off my list of potentials I could possibly vote for — for various reasons I will no doubt …
That’s Trump Change, Not Chump Change
So Donald Trump has announced his candidacy for president, which reminded me of a story. A guy has a flat tire and, as it happened, it was right outside the grounds of a mental hospital. He was changing the tire, and enough things went wrong in the course of the operation that a small crowd …
Copping a Plea
So we need to spend some time talking about the police, about police misbehavior and brutality, and about the hard partisan line taken by some who rant against the cops on Facebook. Let’s talk policy first, and justice second. As a matter of law and policy, I believe that citizens should be absolutely free to …
Renewing the Patriot Farce
This weekend will determine whether or not the metadata collection of the Patriot Act will be renewed. I do not wish to speak to this as any kind of insider, for I clearly am not. Rather I think we all ought to step back and take a look at this from fifty yards away. Let …
The After Deck of the Pirate Ship
Whenever I write on things like liberty and taxes, it is easy for some to try to stuff me into the wrong box. And upon my making this objection, some might expect me to go on to say that I hate labels. But actually I love labels, which are the precondition of all honest discourse. …
Three Senators and a Leper
One of our great cultural problems today is that Christians do not understand civics. And by civics, I do not mean the “how a bill becomes a law” kind of civics, but rather I refer to our very common misunderstanding of the true nature of our appointed government. We have a particular form of government …